Saturday 30 April 2016

Monday until Tuesday 25th-29th April 2016. What we did this week in lessons?

On Monday morning in Beccas lesson of theatre production we had a lesson on Sexual Health, and Laws with a visitor and member of staff from college coming in to talk to us. We then did a survey or quiz on college ratings to win a £50 voucher. What went well was we had a loads of questions people wanted to ask to be on the safe side of understanding the right saftey boundaries of this topic. What did not go so well was focus as people kept talking and getting distraced by things.

The reason we did this activity was to now how to stay safe at our age when having sex and prevent us from being at risk of getting pregnant and how to tackle the situation when your boyfriend who is in love with you forces you in contrast to a boy who loves you and gives you time to tell when you are ready and does not presuarise you but accepts your honest opinion on when you feel is the right time. The reason we also did a quiz or questionare was to have the chance of winning a prize but also to now what is good about the college and what needs to be improved.

How it helped us with our learning was refreshed our minds on the topic and made us more aware of the right and wrong circumstances to be in during that time and how to handle the situation and explain to someone the truth about how you feel about it rather than hiding it and telling the opposite of what you feel. The quiz or questionare did not help me with my learning.

Which techniques I will develop I am not so sure about not even in the quiz/questionare. How I will use what I learned in the future is by making sure I folllow the procedures to stay safe from the things we learned in lesson from preventing of being in danger and problems. But I cannot develop any techniques from doing a questionare or quiz only know the types of questions you answer or the styles of questions.

In the afternoon we had Drama with Becca not Rob to keep an eye on us but we had to do the work independently as a class we were rehearsing the whole lesson. What went well was we rehearsed a bit. What was a bit harder was concentration as some people were talking which delayed the lesson a bit with rehearsals.

The reason we did this activity was to make sure we had less to do in the next upcoming rehearsal with Rob and make sure we have enough time to start doing act 3 on Thursday and the rest of act 2 completed so we can go over the lines ourselves as much as possible.
How it helped us with our learning was made understand the relationships better with the character we were rehearsing and made us know the qeues of when to come on stage on time especially doing scenes on our own with someone and we need to know exactly when to come on without leaving an empty stage and making the play look as professional as it would be in theatre as well but also baring in mind we need to get the props and set on stage beforehand or during going on stage which is a challenge but are all the things we need to remember if we want to produce an amazing show and staging for an audience to see live.

The techniques I will develop is timing of the Dance sessions we do for Blood Wedding with Mandy and making sure I am on stage at the right time for my scenes when saying my lines so I do not miss my qeues and so it looks polished and professionally done rather than messy and all over the place which I will work on in the next 3 weeks in class when we come to rehearse those scenes again.
How I will use it in the future is if deciding to do theatre productions and having to come in and out at certain points I could do those things as well to make it look better like coming on stage earlier and doing an inner monolouge or certain actions to get prepared for my lines and lead me into to them during on stage rather than standing and doing nothing which is boring and will make the audience think that is boring or what are they doing on stage.

On Tuesday morning we rehearsed the rest of act 2 with Rob for Blood Wedding. What went well was we completed the whole of the act and were much more focused but still talked at some points while being off stage.

The reason we did this activity was as I said above to complete the act but also to get through it further so we had less to do and meant we could then rehearse what we learnt again as we already knew what we had to do for that certain scene unless our teacher wanted to change or develop something in the scene even further to make it look a bit better.
How it helped me with my learning was made me think about and understand what the plays is describing and what it saying by the information that is given to us in order forus to understand it better and for us to play the role confidentally by having enough information to know how to do it and get an idea of how the play will look when put from page on to stage.
The techniques I will develop in any play I do or want to find out about more when I get the script is read through the play to understnd it, then research the themes, characters, symbols and context or background of it and the person who wrote it to know when it was written and the country or origion the play comes from to get a better understanding of the character.
How I will use it in the future is just exactly what I said in the above read first and then research for an clearer and more detailed explanation and also ask the people working with us on this certain project.

In the afternoon we had Mandy for Dance were we rehearsed a spanish dance for Blood Wedding during and after the wedding ceremony scene. What went well was they learnt it quickly. What did not go so well was I did not feel well so did not participate much in the lesson that day but will this coming Tuesday again.

The reason we did this activity was to prepare was ourselves before with this dance so we know it and our at less risk of injuring ourselves. But also now the count of each step and get used to the rhythem and tempo of the song when dancing to it.
How it helped me with my learning was by watching the others in the class I got an idea of how to do each move as I could see them infront of me clearly and at what point to go onto the next move especially when having to listean to the music and doing ht edance at the same time which can be quiet a challenge.

the techniques I will develop for Mandy's Dance lesson is constantly rehearsing the Dance routine when I have to oppertunity and time too so it looks professional and really good by the time we reach to perform the Dance during the performance evenings as well as remembering the other sides to it such as stage directions and so on. But also until I know it from the top of my head and I feel I know confidentaly well.

How I will use what I learnt in the future if deciding to do something in Musical Theatre or Drama in the future with some dancing in the play I would just go over it with people I am rehearsing it with and listean to the music and rehearse the dance routine in my spare time when I have the oppertunity too that is the best thing to do.

On Thursday morning we had Rob frp Drama were we rehearsed the whole of act 3, scene 1 and 2 and the ending included. What went well was the enrgy and amount  of work done was alot more than usual and it seemed to be alot more fun even though it was hard to wait for the people who were not rehearsing that much but for me it was ok as I was an understudy for that lesson only for one of the trees and I don't think there was anything bad on that day.

The reason we did this activity was to complete all the scenes for Blood Wedding and for the people playing roles in that act to understand what they are doing in that part but also for everyone of stage on that part and so we are aware of what is happening at each point in the play and who is doing what at what point and who needs to be on stage at that certain point in time. It is vital we think about those things and make sure they are sorted on the days of the performance with the props ect. needed on tage at that point ad so on

How it helped me with my learning was made me and everyone else think how important it is to be alert at all times and make sure everything is prepared in the right order so everything runs the way it should and so it all goes smoothly on the days of the performance but also during rhearsals such as the energy brought to the scenes and so the stage is not empty and silent as Rob always tells us.
Which techniques I will develop is to be aware at all times what is going on around me and if support with anything is needed such as roles or sorting out extra things here and there for rehearsals and shows it is better to ask what to help with either the Director doing the organising of the play or technichal crew and backstage crew for example with getting the set on for your peice if it is at the same exact moment to make the job easier for certain people or coming in character on stage earlier so you can straight away start the scene without leaving a silnce in the stage.

How I will use what I learnt in the future is take notes of these tips in a book or record it somewhere to bear it in mind when using or needing those tools in acting school or in that industry to make everything a bit easier for myself so I do not forget these vital peices of information.

In the afternoon we had Becca were we discussed which person everyone will be working with for the assigned roles they were given as backstage roles for the final play and got a copy of Blood Wedding research work handed out to us from our teacher Rob for Drama as part of our homework and exam unit. What went well was we all were fine with who we were working with on the set roles we chose to do and found it easier with the guidelines given to us as part of our research work to make it easier for us to understand what to do for that given task.

The reason we did these activities was to understand better and more clearly the information and details on Blood Wedding in case they asked us for our exam some questions on the play which we have to answer and would make it easier if we understood the knowledge in more detail. The backstage roles are also vital as without knowing about them and having those roles or been given ones firstly we would not have a clue about what to do and we would not be able to put on the production without the most important things needed such as costume and sound and set/props for example.

How it helped me with my learning was learning about these roles gave us a better understanding for the point we reached now of what we have to do and the tasks we are expected to complete or criteria we have to meet to put on a brilliant show and stging/performance with our roles as well as the acting which we will undergo for 2 days in 4 performances.

The techniques I will develop is learning by doing the programmes about the process and how to do it as I do it along the way in case I end up doing it in the future so I can gain more experience in the job as I progress with it so it will turn out good for the production and also the other peoples roles as well and other elements of the show.
How I will use it in the future I am not sure.

On Friday we had Becca for technical theatre were we completed the work for the roles we were assigned in pairs and Jacob was working with me and by the teacher we were told to ask everyone what they will do in the future? and what they will do next year? which will all be written on the programme which I completed a bit and also finished 2 posters in 2 days while Jacob did the task given to us by the teacher. Futhermore, the other pairs did backstage roles such as Costume, Hair and Make Up, Props,Set Design and Projection and more. What went well was we all concentrated on the tsks we had to do and in a short space or amount of time got alot done like the previous day. What did not go well I am not sure about.

The reason we did this activity was to get the tasks even further up to date so they are hopefully completed before the third week and look really amazing so the performance technically and actig wise will look good and individually and as a class we will be proud of the work we did which will pay off in the end and the achievements we have made and produced over this coming year of acting Level 2.

How it helped me with my learning was showed me how a programme looks and is made and the finishing result when done and for the poster also and how to use the tools to create those amazing programmes and how much of your time and effort it would actually take to create this peice of work.

Which techniques I will develop is learning about how to present good peices of work for a poster or programme and how not too and thinking about the people seeing this programme for the show how the layout format should look and the font and size of the writing and the pictures boldness and scale of the picture which is basically baring in mind how to present the presentational features on the programme so it is easy for everyone to see and read.

How I will use the things I learnt in the future is if ever come across having to do that certain job again it is good to have a clear idea of how to do certain things as then you have the benefit of more oppertunities and doors that will open to you and it is so interesting learning and discovering new things you never knew about up until know.