Saturday 12 March 2016

Saturday 12th March 2016. Review for Rob on Our Day Out.
 The acting skills and  communication skills etc we have developed over this assignment were making sure in dance and acting lessons we made everything from gestures to expressions and characters bigger when rehearsing and performing parts of it in our class. We also had make the energy level and movement quicker, more precise and and maintain those things throughout the play so it would keep the audience engaged and more into what we do pr sympathise with us rather than get bored and not watch us as they would everyday in the theatre. Another important thing whcih most of us struggled with in ''Road'' and ''Two'' was projecting our voices loud enough so the audience couldd hear what we were saying and pronouncing our words so that we are understood properly.
What have been the key aspects for you as performer?   Some of the key aspects for me as a performer our example such as move around alot to maintain the energy throughout, help others if they get stuck or forget what they do in rehersal time, maitain in role and stay focused throughout the entire play so you know your qeues and don't get distracted by others such as talking backstage to loud which distracts other performers around you and don't giggle or laugh which can put off performers acting live and lose the atmosphere and goodness of the play and speak clearly to be understood by other people watching you or project your voice and use intonation to keep the audience on track with what you say and don't mumble or rush your words but rather slow down and maintain your pace through the whole dialect or speech.
    How have you found linking the acting work with the dance/physical work with Mandy?  What has  worked ? what has challenged you ?
     How I found linking the acting, dancing and physical work with Mandy was really challenging but I still managed to try my very best especially some of the warm up excersises which I found challenging for me which obviously shows I need to start doing more running exercises again to build my physical strength which is my weak point at the moment in Dance. What I feel generally I am performing and doing my best in at the moment would probably be doing Dance and acting although I have some issue with body strength and feel what has really worked for me is most importantly Drama and Dance which I am progressing in a lot in lately much faster than excersises, which will also improve over the years in my stay at Westminster Kingsway College that is if I make it through to the next stage of the auditions next week in Level 3 Performing Arts.
   How have we/you explored the characterisation and approach to role to assist with the performing element?
     How I as an individual  have I explored characterisation and approach to my role and assisited it with performing elements is I constantly read through the script to understand what it is about or what my character is saying in the scripted part and so I found it easier when knowing and learning it off by heart, but for the improvised parts used the film as guidance to have an idea of my character in the castle scene and how she would react and behave and when improvising put myself in her shoes to understand the way she would behave and explore her a bit more whengoing over the play in class.
    How we explored the charcterisation and approach to our role/s and how we assisted it with performing elements was just explore how they would behave and react to things and constantly did role play and acting on the script so we understood the characters and knew the play more everytime inside out and to mak the play more familiar to us in a way as a whole class making sure we worked togethr as a team or cast so everything went smoothly the way the director and students wanted. But we also did warm up voice exercises and tounge twisters to warm up the vocals when saying the lines and so the voice naturally responds to what we say and we say it clearly rather than rushed, we also did a range of warm up and fun acting games on some days in between our Drama lessons to maintain the energy level and focus in the room throughout rehersals for Our Day Out especially.
What areas of research have been useful for you?
    The areas of research that have been useful for me are propbably in terms of the Play in Drama was talking about the play wright and play for example Willy Russel how he came about writing the play was being a teacher in Liverpool an area were kids were poor and had his own school which influenced and inspired him to write his own play Our Day Out which had been published around 1987.
     Another reason why we talked about the play was to understand the background of the play more doing it and also through reading the entrance dialouges we had an basic idea about the play and the roles we were playing.
     The areas of research that have been useful for me considering what we have discussed in terms of what aspects of movement have helped me in Mandy's classes is epecially the Pina Bausch dance which was useful as it helped us to make the Our Day Out play look more phyisical and professional so that we could use it in our play to make it look different and unique to the script. We also did warm ups and dances for the performance to help us with our timing issues and most importantly build our core to be at less risk of injury when walking on and off stage or around fast so we come in time for our qeues moving from one place to the next.
     The areas of research that have been useful, which also have helped me to inform my work were as I said above in both paragraphs as when we dicussed the Our Day Out background information and read through the dialouge more and more we became aware about the storyline and learnt things quicker and had a clearer idea the more we read them to make understand things better. Futhermore, for the Pin Bausch work we had an idea for the choreography and style in the play we did which we could build apon as a basis and develop into our own thing to create something to be a part of or go along side the work we did with Rob in Drama and we could rehearse more with Mandy to make it even more better before we show it in the show apart from Darcey and Me doing the other Dance qualification or certificate on Wednesday.

Pina Bausch

Dance called ''World Cities''



Our Day Out film By Wlly Russel  

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