Friday 9 October 2015

Blog week 4

Monday 5th to 8th Friday Oct 2015. Week 4 of lessons at College.

  • On Monday we had Drama with Rob so the other groups got an idea about the plays context, style and what is about (the first or opening scene) so we went to the theatre and rehearsed until it was fully polished and neat to be performed to the class and we edited parts of the play we were told to improve and made it better every time until the day of the performance which will be on a Thursday.

  •  Also we rehearsed in spare time and after schools some days with our or my group. We did rehearsals in our groups and rehearsed it with Jacob as our extra actor when Darnel was not able to perform or if he could not attend the actual performance and performed the first or last scene to the class in the drama room which went really well.

  • Also we did our ''star now'' CV's online in tutorial for our interviews with Charlie soon in our college who has a important role in the college and were asked to select categories of things we want to do such as Drama and many more which I still need to finish off at home. Another thing I had on the same day was ASL support on spelling and Handwriting with Arlette my support worker and she corrected a piece of work we were set in drama to do which was research on a backstage role.

  • On Tuesday we rehearsed and performed opening scenes to the other groups in our class and our Teacher Rob which went really good and I really enjoyed the lesson as we all participated in our groups.

  • Later in the afternoon we had Mandy with her we did warm up exercises to relax our bodies and make us more flexible, then she discussed/ showed us the safety poster h/w and what we have to do in depth and said the best one gets a prize and is put it all around the college walls. Towards the last few minutes of the lesson we rehearsed the dances in our plays, the other drama work and scenes in our groups until the end.

  •  In the evening some of the people in our class  including me had English GCSE and Functional skills but I had GCSE and when we continued the lesson we started planning the essays in the booklets given to us by our teacher Haley and were asked to finish it for h/w for next week and write a practice film review on our chosen film.

  • On Wednesday I rehearsed with my group in College and Jacob our extra actor in case the other person in our group Darnel could not come and he played the role of Carmon's Husband which we rehearsed for a few hours by showing him our Dance routine and the acting side of the play and he participated in the play and started slowly learning his lines and we continued rehearsing ours.

  • On Thursday We had Maths in the morning were we did worksheets on money problems and telling the time using a harder technique in our groups. Then we had Drama and in the first lesson we rehearsed and later a bit again and then took a break after the second lesson finished, in tutorial we did more work on our presentations on the backstage roles by editing it and breaking it down into chunks and started or finished our essays.

  • On Friday we did more Maths and worked again on the same things but did different money problem type questions. In the tutorial lesson with Becca we continued to work on our blogs and were given a bit of information by our tutor.

  • Then I had Maths with Imishka on the Lowest Common Multiples (LCM), then I rehearsed with my group on our Drama performance and Lucas our new extra character who is now in our play as well as in his own group stayed with us for a few hours and then Sarah, Jessica B. and Me were editing the play/ scenes and how the  characters act and react in the scenes new lines etc. experimenting and discussing what music and lighting to use and adding extra lines to the script, editing and changing until perfect from beginning to end and we will continue to rehearse before, in Drama lessons and after drama lessons college until Thursday when it is polished and performed to an audience, also the day we rehearsed we filmed one or some videos of the some of the scenes when the 3 of us we rehearsing together and performed again and again until we were confident and happy, pleased with the scenes now the next step is remembering lines.

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