Friday 13 May 2016

Monday until Friday 9th until 13th May 2016. What we did this week in lesson?

On Monday we had Rob in the morning were we rehearsed Blood Wedding once the whole way through. What did not go well was during the two hours of rehearsal we did not do much as people were talking alot. What we did well was partcipated well as a class when rehearsing with Rob during the lesson we had with him.
The reason we did this activity was so we were more familiar and confident with the scenes we did next and right now and knew when the next qeues were, to participate and come in at the right time and not to late so it looks empty and dead stage or really messy or un organised/under-rehearsed.
How it helped me with my learning was made me get used to or helped me remember each section or stage in the performance from the top of my head much better and made me understand or know the reason why I did that certain thing.

The techniques I developed was to make sure I remember my qeues before hand or come on earlier and ready in character to bring energy, enthusiasm and engagement with the audience but most importantly making sure the stage is lively and full of vibe and energy not stillness and complete silence. How I will use what I learnt in the future is by incoporating the same techniques or styles of learning in my work in the future or studies to help me develop myself further and too a completely new level and environment in the world of Acting with new adventures ahead of me and things to learn.
In the afternoon we had Becca were we discussed/ saw and tried some costumes if asked to by Sara and D,Zyire and at the same time continued rehearsing the Wednesday cast for the second half of the lesson we had to practise it so it gets to a better stage of performance level and standard. What went well was we tried to stay focus on the play but what did not go so well was rehearsing enough as we were a bit tired and had less energy and patients which meant people were talking.

The reason we did this activity was to see if we had the ability to work independentely as a class and as individuals in the class without the member of staff telling us to do something or a better explanation would be giving us too much information as this task for the assigment brief was all about the capability of working as a team together and putting all areas of technical things together on the performance which we did intirely by ourselves.
How did it help me with my learning was made me challenge myself even though at some points it was hard and we could not manage working together because some people did not have the determination too but instead wanted to use the time in most of the session getting distracted and talking with others in the class. But overall we still managed to get some work out of the lesson with teacher in the room. Which techniques I will develop is to manage my concentration skills more so I am able to understand tasks much better and what is being said rather than talking too much and losing focus by talking to my friends or getting distracted and not participating at some stages during the lesson occasionally here and their.
 How I will use what I learnt in the future is listeaning to the tasks given to us so I am able to know what to do straight away so they don't end up repeating things several times or in case they do not at all at some stages it is better to recieve what is told when told once.
On Tuesday we had Drama again with Rob were we rehearsed the whole play with both casts for Wednesday and Thursday's show so we had the chance to rehearse with everyone so nobody was sitting around doing nothing for the majority of the lesson. What went well was we all got active by moving around and warmed our vocals up by doing rehearsals with our teacher helping us with the way in which we said the lines so we did not rush them to understand what it was we were saying and what it was about and get in the habit of speaking slow and clear so the audience is able to understand us.

The reason we did this activity was to help us control our voices and get in the habit of it before the shows in 1 week and 4 days and to make us know exactly were to position our character for each scene and know what to do in the particular scene especially when havingto take or use a prop on stage and when having to give clear qeues for sound and lighting and for the other people on stage or the technicians.
How did it help me with my learning was again made me more aware and helped me practise the thought process and inner monolouge when going on stage or before or when the other characters our on stage epescially for the ensemble scene and the peice with the poetry and dancing which is the most important scene to get right as everyone will be a part of that scene. The techniques I am hoping to develop during the finishing stages of rehearsal is the ability to remember running orders of lines and qeues as well as thinking about everone else needing to be on stage at each part but mostly the big scenes with everyone and getting the right props on the for the right scenes which is what I and the whole class need to bare in mind from know until the performance days.
How I will use what I learnt in the future is when getting to the stage we are at know in future productions or films it is so vital I bare the same things in mind as the process and things we will be doing will practically be the same throughout the stages at which we will be doing Drama school and beyond.

In the afternoon we had Mandy for Dance were we rehearsed the Blood Wedding dance and Rob watched and gave us feedback on what to do and what he saw but purely what we need to do better and who to work with in the play production at that point when doing the dance. What went well was the amount of work we put into the Dance and energy but to improve maybe the timing, pace and energy at the start when they do the dance and I am looking after the food at the table for the ceremony or celebration of the Wedding occasion should be more exciting and faster as it is a special moment for the Bride and Bridegroom but overall we all did really well and worked immensely hard on that day.
The reason we did this activity was to get used and in the habit of remebering the steps and putting all the energy into the dance to make it look good the only way we can produce a brilliant dance is by timing, speed and energy but also enjoying every moment of it and making it seem fun and as though we are celebrating together and working together as a good managed and well behaved, hard working and dedicated team to what we are doing and what will be displayed on stage at college pretty much soon.

How it helped me with my learning was made me understand what it was we were exactly doing for the dance so I knew when to join which is Mandy says when the bride takes my arm and I join in the dance with the Girls and we eat more food and laugh and talk which is what you would do at a wedding and it sort of created a nice image like one you would see in a lively old painting with different people from a different hierachy and background for the individual characters which is interesting and fascinating to know about.
Which techniques I am hoping to develop is making sure I do not block people in that scene, but in general in all the other scenes also at the same time making sure I am not taking all of the space, and making sure the focus is mostly concentrating on the dance in the wedding to bring the attention and spotlight on what it is all about and what happens in that moment but bringing humour and laughter to that scene by making it look like I am having too much too drink and eat and looking like I am a bit tipsy but later recover from what happened.How I will use what I learnt in the future is constantly thinking or keeping those things in mind which I learnt such as projection, confidence, blocking and making sure we do vocal techniques and warm ups so we are able to speak much more clearer on stage.

On Thursday we had Rob for Drama were we rehearsed Blood Wedding for Thursday's cast only and in the spare time we had did the ending and rehearsed a bit of the Dance choreography. What went well was we decided as a class to meet and do independent learning but the problem was we again did not get the chance to do much as people only 2 or 3 decided to turn up late so we had to skip some parts of the play.
The reason we did this activity was make sure we are able to perform confidently on the day and that only happens when you put in the work and effort which is what we are trying to do more up to the performance as we want it to look good so we don't want to end up rehearsing everything last minute in the short space of time before the show and rush everything. Especially as we are hoping to make this our best performance yet to end up with good marks and be proud and look back at what we achieved as a whole class.

How it helped me with my learning was made learn interesting and new things and made me challenge myself to things I would have not been able to do fist of all without the confidence and the ability to challenge myself and would have made me end up being in the same place as at the start of the term but Drama is about having the confidence to try new things and explore the area of study and learning new things for example ways to build yourself as a person learning to become and actor/tress in the future or for jobs you decide to take on in the future that require those skills that is why acting is vital as it helps you no matter what type of path or direction you end up deciding or hoping to take.
Which techniques I will develop is making sure up until the shows I rehearse building the characters style and the way I perform it and getting on stage quick enough for the scenes, really taking my time saying the lines and not rushing them to show I understand what I am saying. Additionally, interpreting my performance in different ways throughout and show I ama confident not show by hiding things if I make a mistake and just carrying not getting out of role even if I end up being nervous on the day.How I will use what I learnt in the future is when ever getting nervous before going on stage the best thing is to breath and relax your mind and when on stage bearing in mind to just improvise and go along with it or hide the mistake you made rather than coming out of role which is what I said above already.
In the afternoon we had Becca's lesson but instead of having technical theatre watched level 3 yr 1 Dance and Musical Theatre perform. I think I really enjoyed it as the dancing was fun and really the way the choreographed and incoporated everything. During the rest of the lesson finished any work needed to be completed during lesson time and in the last remaining 5 minutes the class voted for the poster we are going to hang around the college for our plays performance. We also both presented one each Jacob and Me which we created together. For improvements discussed what else needed to be done and edited and what else we had to do from the work that has not been done yet or needs to be finished off.

On Friday we had Becca were we finished Our blogs what went well was we managed to start it well. But what did not go to well was the concentration and amount of work as I was talking during the lesson and found it hard to focus today did not complete much blog until I did the rest at home but next time will try and be more focused to get more completed in lesson time so their is less to do at home.

The reason we did this activity was just making sure we are keeping up to date with the latest work we have done and futhermore so we know what we did before we forget taking note of this week so we can read back over the diary entries completed and those we need to finish or do still and so everything is ordered correctly and is easier for the teachers to find and read.
How it helped me with my learning was made me remember the things we previously did as if writing a story or diary entry about myself on a blog and made me be more aware by updating things each week reminded me of things I forgot or notes we took that we might need to look back on in the future during next years acting or at the end of this year and to make the examiner show we have shown real understandind and clarity of what we have learnt about during the past months in our lessons.
Which techniques I am hoping to develop is to maybe write a review on the process of making the Posters, Programmes and/or tickets as it took several weeks to get to the stage were we will print them off with Becca at one point next week and finish everything so it looks good and ready before the performance so we can hang it up around the College and too look at a standard were thwy are appealing and presentable to an audience coming tose our production. The only thing I think we still need to add to the finishing touches of the poster is some sugar paper or cardboard colour paper to stick behind the poster to make it look nice and more decorative and neater when hang on the wall so the paper is not to thin also to rip or break and tear.

How I will use what I learnt in the future is keep a blog to update on what I did each week on a theatre production or to see what I have already done or figure what needs to be worked on or improved for example acting skills or techniques or even vocal exercises I can do and repeat again or may want to use or can come in useful or handy again sometime.

End scene neighbours and Mother weeping supposed to be rehearsals

 Represents tickets we made for Blood Wedding
Represents scene with Bride and servant in rehearsals

Represents the poster we made and created

A film of Blood Wedding directed by Carlos Saura
A dance film of Blood Wedding directed by Carlos Saura

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