Friday 27 May 2016

Monday until Friday 16th until 20th May 2016. What we did this we in Lesson?

On Monday we had Drama with Becca instead of Rob as we had too work more independently while he was with the level 3 students working on there production with them in the theatre we rehearsed some of the scenes in pairs for a short which is what went well but on the other hand what did not work out was working for long as people got distracted for most of the lesson.

The reason we did this activity was to mostly to focus on getting the scenes right in Blood Wedding and knowing the play confidently enough when rehearsing the play so it all runs smoothly when doing the piece in both split casts for the shows.
How it helped me with my learning was made me more aware of what I was saying during those specific lines and being able to slowly but clearly pronounce the words to be understood by the people backstage waiting for my queue or the audience watching the production live.

The techniques I would have developed more is the confidence of projecting my voice more and speaking clearly as well as practising or getting in the habit of learning my queues or the extra things I have to develop, extend or improve at home or in College. How I will use it in the future is the same way or principle by learning that certain technique or strategy at home or in that certain place I am at that point in time.

In the afternoon we had Becca were we decided to rehearse Wednesday's cast for a while in the lesson but also struggled to focus which did not go to well but at the same did towards the start of the session.

The reason we did this activity was so for the performances on Wednesday we had a clear idea of were we would place our character for each scene and remember what we did at that point just to remind ourselves in our mind and bring us back to the last time we rehearsed with our group for that cast. But also bearing in mind at what point we come on stage and when we would say those specific lines. How it helped me with my learning was made me remember who I would be with in those scenes throughout the play and also keep in my head the queues for each scene so I came in at the right time and right lines to make it easier for the other actors/resses around me as well .

The technique I would have developed if I had the opportunity to would have been more or less to rehearse the queues more often in my spare time a bit earlier on in the stages so I felt a bit more securer or familiar than I am at this moment in time 2 days before the production but will still make sure in the time I have that we or I rehearse the queues every moment possible so it all looks strong when we come in and so we avoid leaving empty stage on the performance which I am sure we won't as I am sure we will do really good.
How I will use what I learnt in the future is constantly go over the same thing until I feel confident enough with that certain part in the play I am doing or shall I say certain section.

On Tuesday we had Becca instead of Rob were we rehearsed the full cast piece of the Bride's wedding ceremony but struggled so did not manage to complete it all as people were not always focused in the lesson. What went well was we managed to rehearse a bit more without the assistance of the teacher encouraging us, but contrastingly we still could not maintain the concentration through the entire lesson. Furthermore, for the rest of the lesson people one by one were taken out of the class with either Sara or D'Zyire to try on dresses or costumes for the play ''Blood Wedding'' next week or now shall I say in 3 weeks.

The reason we did this activity was to make the whole cast scene which was the most challenging part as we all had to be on stage at that point but the most important one really outstanding and professional so it makes the audience excited and thrilled with suspense and excitement at the end of the seats as though it looked like an actual company production brought to an London theatre to be put on live to audience and make them want to stay to the end and see it all to the point were they leave with smiles on there faces and cannot stop talking about what they saw. How it helped me with my learning was made me see the position I was in for that special scene and made listen and remember at what point exactly had to say each of my poetry lines in the play scene of the special occasion for the Bride.

The technique I would have developed if I still had the chance to would be focusing more on also having the patients to listen and wait for my next line to be said or shared with the audience which in some points of the play I am struggling with but I can still improve by hearing the lines of the person before. How I will use what I learnt in the future is by making sure I constantly go over even the parts I know already to develop it even more further even if it looks already polished and good but I can try for example making my listening skills as well as the lines and queues or projection even more fantastic.

In the afternoon we had Mandy for Dance were we rehearsed the dance for the Bride and Groom's wedding constantly throughout the whole lesson. What went well was we all participated during the lesson doing the dance until it looked smooth and clique.
The reason we did this activity was to make keep in mind the moves until they are glued in our head from the steps up until the body and arm/leg movements.

The reason we did this activity was to make sure the dance routine was stuck to our minds like glue which will help us memories the steps and added moves quicker in order for the performance and dance help us  to form back into the acting side of the lines without making it loo to messy. How it helped me with my learning was made me more aware and remember who was standing in the position during and after the dance section in order for us to be able to see were to position and place ourselves for the rest of the wedding scene.

The techniques I would have developed if I still had the chance to would have been maybe try and participate and get involved in the dance with more confidence telling the people in the class to help me learn the routine as well so I can join in rather than just acting at the side at times to make it look like generally I am enjoying myself more. How I will use it in the future is everyone is participating in something and I want to or I can but just do not have the guts to ask I should just have the confidence to tell them I would want to participate in that part if possible and if they allow me too.

On Thursday we Drama with Rob and Becca in her tutorial lesson were we rehearsed Blood Wedding until the end of the lesson with Becca sorting other things out as well such as the costumes. What went well was we started to participate in the lesson but were tired some of us were not in the mood for rehearsing the whole lesson but we all tried to rehearse a few pieces of different scenes.

The reason we did this activity was to get used to remembering our queues and bearing in mind that we should speak clearly and project our voices in order for us to be heard by an public audience on stage. How did it help me with my learning was the more we started getting used to using those different techniques the better we would be for the performances that were coming up and that would mean we have practiced it well enough to remember to do these things on the actual shows.

Which techniques I would have developed if I still had the chance to is remember to speak up every time and bear in mind the way I present my character when coming onto the stage as well as the point when I am on already on bearing in mind stage presence and blocking of other characters for the play also for example. How I will use what I learnt in the future is when on stage just reminding myself of those things in my head but not out loud so I do not forget those things we learnt at any point.

On Friday we had Drama and tutorial Becca's lesson in the theatre with Rob as well clearing out staging from level 3 yr. 1 and discussing something with the teachers while we set our staging up and into place for our performances next week, at the same time we rehearsed Wednesday's cast until the end of the lesson. What went well was we well prepared and already on a head start with the overall staging and look of the play and we started forming what seemed like a good production technically and the acting as well even though it still needed more rehearsing and tweaks to make it very good. What did not go well was we had not rehearsed which showed through lack of focus and enthusiasm but as a whole we still did well in the end.

The reason we did this activity was to help us every time feel more confident and believe in ourselves up until the point in which we performed our first shows during the performances of Blood Wedding. How it helped me with my learning was made me see the scale and size of the stage we performed on and were we were to place ourselves when going from a small room to a massive theatre which are different in comparison. Which techniques I would have developed if I still had the chance to would have been use a range of levels and use the space more confidentially as my character would seem too and behave.
How I will use it in the future is depending on the circumstances of the character I could try and play around with or imagine how I would get around the space confidentially and use a range of levels and proxemics for example to make the figure stand out and seem interesting to be watched by a live audience as well as the characters around me.

Pictures of the Final Ideas we had for Blood Wedding entrance

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