Monday 20 June 2016

Monday 13th until Friday 17th June 2016. What we did in lesson this week?

On Monday we had Becca for Tutorial and with the 1st years level 3 working on our blogs. What went well was we tried to do as much of the work as we could in the lesson we had been given.

The reason being we did this activity was in order to get the blogs up to scratch and make them look good and make sure the spelling and grammar is all correct before updating them. Also making sure everything looks clear and snappy and we have enough information about what we did in the weeks gone and still too come.
How it helped me with my learning was made me remember what has been completed and incomplete and what should be improved even more to look more polished and perfect. It also made me understand and realise the difference between a blog which has a lot of in depth detail and one that should be worked on more. The techniques I would have developed if I still had the chance too would be maybe add more videos and film more in class so it is easier to discuss what we have done and so I have more evidence to show the person reading the blog as evidence and maybe get in the habit of not forgetting to label my work every time by doing it straight away before writing the blog.
How I will use it in the future is if having to update a diary or blog in the future it is vital to know how to do on and how it works especially in different circumstances, purposes or occasions.

On Tuesday morning we went through things needed to be completed for Blood Wedding work. What went well was we tried to complete the tasks given to us by the teacher in order for the work in the blog to look better than it originally had been and also remembering the tasks we did for the Marketing and production side of things.

The reason we did this activity was to make sure like I said before everything was complete and ready before the day were everything will be examined and assessed and proofread to make sure it matches the teachers criteria and feedback and so we all have shown that our capability and work is proved to be as good as the teachers and we as individuals expected it to be which is only happening if we put in the work and effort. The same went for the presentation about the programme and so on it was good to reflect and talk about the different aspects of what and making sure we knew and could picture all the things we did in order to tick the boxes for having a great show.
How it helped me with my learning was made me see what I have done and what I need to do or proofread in order to feel that I have 100% finished all the work and got it to the standard I want it to be and I think it should be as long as I put the time and focus into producing that piece of good work which will show in the amount I put in. Also the presentation for the Marketing and promotion side of things made me realise and learn so much and see how it feels to be involved in something special we created ourselves and made me learn how to do the job properly in case I come to doing such a job again.
The techniques I would have developed if I still had the chance to is reread my work to make sure I have less spelling mistakes and errors and making sure their are enough pauses and shorter sentences for the reader to breath in between. The techniques I would have developed more further with the posters and tickets is incorporate more ideas from each other so at least it showed we both agreed more and saw the differences and individuality in our work.How I will use it in the future is for my daily life or in the next two years when doing Drama at college or even when doing a job in the future making sure I bear in mind my English language. How I will use what I learnt form the marketing and promotion side of things is plan and sketch ideas on paper before putting it on a document and completing it finished and finalised to the point we feel it is ready to be presented and then printed which is something we can think about for future productions if we are given more time.

On Tuesday afternoon in Mandy's Dance lesson Darcey and me rehearsed our level 3 dance certificate routines in preparation for the day after, while on the other hand the others rehearsed their sport dance sequences they created themselves and we watched them. What went well was they were all in synch with the background noise.

The reason they did this activity was probably to show their understanding of over the top sports and know exactly what it was they researched and how the images would look like in a reality and real life situation. How it helped me with my learning I cannot say Darcey and me were not able to participate due too us having to prepare for the exam the next as told by Mandy. The techniques I would have developed for Darcey and my rehearsals is making sure I knew when to come into her dance and she in mine and making sure the dancing is in time with the music and we are making everything bigger and longer. Were as for the classes dance routines maybe as well make the images bigger and more over the top and speed some up and slow some down by showing some contrasting levels and speed of movements but only certain ones and making those clearer but as a whole it was really good and fun to watch. How we will use these things in the future is hard to say.
On Thursday and Friday we continued doing our blogs and were given the units on the board to know exactly which each unit is exactly.

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