Sunday 24 January 2016

Blog for filming of Silent Movie with Rob/ Media Students 18th january 2016.

What did we do? we filmed the silent movie based on the theme ''horror'' in any syle or form such as: Comedy, Thriller, Sc-fi action ect. My group decide to bring the characters from their story together but we had to change again a liitle as Maya another person inour class joined our group which meant we had to change it slightly but still made sure it fitted in with what we originally decided to do.

Also our play was about a master and an bad devil and a good angel . The Master told the bad devil to sacrifice a human Sophie and her friend Nancy and toturn her friend to Zombie and bring her back to life, while the angel tries to stop the plan from happening.The next part is they in Sophies house she is having a bad dream and wakes up from the night mare later finding her friend sitting beside her asking her if she is alright then asks her to bring some water. She then gets it and while she is in the kitchen, the bad devil and the good angel have a argument then at which point the devil gets a box and opens it and puts a spell on the angel he then turns to an animal and my friend to a zombie. While i go crawling round the back of the sofa and escape btu then...
get caught by the bad devil and my friend the zombie and the angel is dead. When they find me they bring me back to the Master which was the exact thing they planned but then thinking i was safe they survived, i was turned to a zombie and got killed by the badies chopping my head off.

How did we do it? We did it by using a green screen for the black and white filming and special effects and the second location was the house in which we filmed the escape and my friend turned to a zombie and the angel getting killed. We had help from the Media Students filming on the cameras from different angles and heights to get head shots and full shots for example when i was running or escaping the house, and examples of head shots was when Darcey and me turned to Zombies and turned our heads on screen.

What worked? What worked was when we went from Darcey's character getting the water to the argument and escape becuase even though i was crwling across the focus was on the argument so only the audience would that i was crawling across but the characters would not have a clue when i escaped and how. Also the end and beggining were the same except i was caught at the end and my friend but not at the start and the end was mostly the same as we were all equal leveled but at the start they were all seated which showed a change in level and status as not all the characters were the same from start to finish. Also the film order was in a sequence but not during the filming process.

What didn't? What did not work was the part with the water as we were not sure were it would fit in during the getting of the water and the fight and escape scene of if we had to slightly change or adjust some scenes so it all fitted like a puzzle or made sense what was happening throughout the film and so it made sense from what the audience were seeing or their own perspective. Otherwise everything connected well.

What feedback did we recieve? The only peices of feedback we reiceved were to make it smaller not bigger so it is cinema like not theatrical. Also just go with it and improvise if you are not sure what to say and the last thing was we have to change it so it makes more sense for the audience when they watch and when directing it we are not making it look bad but are just helping you and the directors to to guide you and make sure you know what you are doing and make it look good and proffesional when filming it.

How is it developing my skill? It is developing my skills because it is showing us how it feels or how different it is being on stage to filming close ups or shots on a real digital camera which makes the acting and the way you speak or respond to things as a actress/or playing the characters role different. Also the techniques you learns are different and the people you work with act differently or expect different things from you. You do not need project you voice as much as the camera picks up the sound mor easily as in a theatre the room/ space is bigger and their is a live audience that needs to be able to understand what you are saying clearly enough.

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