Saturday 16 January 2016

Monday to Friday 11th until 15th January 2016  What we did this week in Lessons?

  • On Monday I had Arlette in the morning were we started the lesson doing a spelling test and for homework rewrote words I got wrong and searched up words I was unsure of. What went well was I was eager to learn new words and if unable to understand the defition of the word or what the term of it meant we would search it up and understand it in a way I could which was a thing I need to improve.

  • In the afternoon we had Becca for tutorial were we did continuation on what we started with the posters, had a discussion and started writing scene by scene the story. What we thought went well was the discussion and enthusiasm but on the other hand what did not go so well was the concentration when we were all working as we were all full of energy and over excited. Then following that we had Drama with Rob were all the groups drew story boards with info on the bottom under the picture, we then were asked to film bits or the openings of each groups scenes so the directors had a rough idea of what the plays should look like and started/finished story scenes for Music Production and Media Students. What went well was the preparation or amount of work we showed or put into making it clear for them what it is about and what happens throughout each part of our film and what is the purpose of each part. But I don't really know what we should have improved.

  • On Tuesday we had Drama for Rob's lesson were we first talked to each other while we waited. Then one by one in the silent movie groups with Rob discussed props needed in film and running order of scenes and character roles. What went well was we were sure of what our characters needed props wise and had a clear idea of what the scenes would look like with the props. What we should have improved/ or did not do so well I am not sure but maybe we should have rehearsed the scenes more with the talking in it as for the actual day of filming we were not sure what we should say at certain parts, but I thought it still was really good and I thourghouly enjoyed the directors we filmed with it was all really exciting and I was so happy doing it with the people in my group.
 In the afternoon we had Dance with Mandy were we did warm ups for our core muscles and did a simple timed dance routine, we also did a balance exercise with with our eyes closed testing how far we can go (backward-forwards-Left-Right) and discussed ideas i had for the show and rehersal in preperation on Febuary 2nd as we were not ready to show our silent movies and asked Mandy to ask the class who was interested in joinging. What i think we did well was the exercises to warm us up and what we did well but did not prepare so well was the silent movie as at that time we were not really prepared to present it to the teacher and also the speaking side of it, so for next time we need to rehearse it more so it is polished to show it to Mandy.
In the evening we had English with Hailey were we had our Of Mice and Men grades from the essay given to us, then did some questions for example on filling the blanks in a booklet from our teacher from a famous poem and then discussed the poetry line titles from poems as a starter or were given the sheets to start creating the short stories from our booklets which we were given in class from the teacher. What i thought went well was even though it took a while to decide what title to use from the poem lines we had we knew which one to use later and we had different short story ideas in our head but just had to write it on paper to remember them. What i thought i could improve or did not do so well as i thought i don't think their is anything.

  • On Thursday in the morning we had Maths with Janah were we started the lesson revising Fractions of An Amount on the board, we then started a worksheet on another topic and then watched another Maths Watch clip. What i thought i did well was the revision on Fractions of An Amount as i started and got help from people on my table i zoomed through the whole worksheet and understood it confidently, on the other hand what did not go so well was the start as i struggled until i got what to do for next time i should try and do more so i remember the technique i used and understand in the exam so i don't struggle with it later again.
In the afternoon and throughout Becca's Lesson (Sara, Maya,Femi, Darcey and Me) filmed our silent movie with the Meadia Students and Rob, got help with organisation from Maya and Loreena for our make up and some people in the class helped us set up and take back the props but before that we rehearsed with Jardene for the killing scene for her group the rehearsal was with Maya, Sara, Jessica b. and Me volunteered to take part in the practice run of the performance. What i thought went well was we helped each other to make the day easier for each and to make the time fun for the experience of making the silent movies, what did not go so well was that everyone else got bored having to wait and not do much during the lesson. So for next time we should should make everyoneelse have fun in the classroom or do something while they wait not to get bored.

  • On Friday morning we had Maths with Janah were i ran a bit late but we all completed a worksheet, watched a maths watch clip on Decimals, Fractions and Percentages. We then did an exercise on it on the white board with our class and did another worksheet i think on money problems or something. What i thought went well was the technique we learnt to help us with the topic we were learning and we got help or asked for it if we were confused or did not understand what they were saying and what we could do more or better to improve what we were doing is practice the topic more at home as well as learning it in class and doing extra questions to challenge ourselves.

In the afternoon we had Becca were we continued working on the blogs, synopsis of the silent movies step by step and completing or starting a poster on Miley Cyrus or Miacheal Jackson and anything else for example new Smart Target for this coming both Academic and Personal goals. What i thought went well were we knew what we were aiming to improve or do better this year for example improve our punctuality this term ect. What we need to do better or improve more is write down what to write in our blogs so we are not stuck remembering what we did a few days or a week ago.

I then had English were in the class we practised making short stories from the pictures we had infront of us and read one on a worksheet to get an idea of what to do in the exam but better then the example, then we did a fill in the gap worksheet at the start of the lesson before we started the other things. What went well was we had a clear idea from the pictures what to write already as it gave us clues, but on the other hand what we can do better or improve more for next time is plan or write down what it is all about for the actual story step by step so we know what it is about and so we have a clearer idea in our head so we don't get stuck on the content of the end, begginging and start and do a plan on paper in order. 

I then had Maths were Imishka and Me did a worksheet on Fraction of Quantity and talked about Drama ect. and as a task in the worksheet we gave another person in the room my own question to test their own knowledge and i got some h/w to complete which i found tricky doing but attempted. What i thought went well was i remembered the techniques to use in the question and asked for help if i did not understand something and something i can do better next time or improve on is working a bit more indepentely and getting the teacher to check it afterwards and explain to me again to see if i have understood this time round.

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