Friday 8 January 2016

Monday 4th until Friday 8th January 2016.  What we did this week in lessons?

On Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday we did not have any college as we still had Christmas/ New year holidays and were all busy doing things

But on Thursday we started school were in the morning we did not have Maths  as the day before we were told we had no Maths due to our teacher having some induction programme, But after had Drama were went over scenes and listed on paper the props we needed. On the other hand, we also re discussed our story board in our group and another person called Maya joined the group we discussed the story with her first and rearranged the story from before so it was a bit different to what we originally planned/ came up with. What I thought went well was the discussion we had and that we agreed as a team on making it so everyone has a good role in the movie, but in contrast what did not go to well as we planned it was deciding on what e should change and what we should do it on when we changed  the story a bit.

We then had tutorial were we were told to create a poster for the artist we chose (Miley Cyrus). So we started creating posters on our celebrities working on the teaser/ original concert poster idea using a range of fonts, colourful backgrounds and titles and then the teacher presented and shared both groups work and we got feedback and their opinion on ours and we did the same to theirs. What went well was the enthusiasm we showed when creating them throughout the lesson, but the thing that did not work so well was the energy we showed during the discussion as a class which I think we can improve our confidence to talk or not be shy to give your say on what you thought on the work we did.

On Friday we had Maths in the morning were we revised pie charts and one type of fractions, after watched a clip on Maths watch on what we learnt and then by the teacher were tested on what we learnt and what we knew on the topic at first I struggled but with Edwards clear explanation I understood it and went through it quickly which I thought went well and what did not go so well was not understanding the method/ concept of what I was learning so for when we do fractions next I will revise or go over the strategy so I know it 100% next time. In the afternoon I had tutorial were  we did the application on the next year of performing Arts in preparation for the audition and next step ahead for after level 2 and so I am able to get a place and am prepared for what is to come even though we did not have a teacher. What went well was that Darcey and Jessica explained to me if I did not understand something and what did not go so well was I don't think much except for it was a bit noisy as some students were watching a scary movie and the noise in the background was loud but that did not bother me.
Student helping another student

Students discussing

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