Monday 21 December 2015

Monday to Friday 14th 18th December 2015.   What did I do this week in Lessons?

On Monday we had Becca and rather than doing Tutorial we had fun watching Toy stories one of the old children's classic hits on Netflix what I enjoyed about it was the enthusiasm the movie had and the energy but what did not go so well at the start was that we did not agree on watching it all of us at first. Then in the afternoon we had Rob in Drama were we waited for our groups to individually film/ rehearse our silent movies in the class opposite ours what went well was the excitement of rehearsing and teamwork in our groups. But what did not go so well was the time keeping or attendance of some people in the class.

On Tuesday we had Drama were we started by playing games like musical statues and chairs what went well was the energy and we all laughed and had fun in class, but at the same time helped each other out and were supportive to the other fellow classmates. What did not go so well was every person in the class did get involved in some parts because their were not enough chairs. Then we had Dance were instead of having a lesson we had the opportunity to watch a pantomime in our college I have to say I really enjoyed it the singing was really amazing and the excitement and energy they put into it when rehearsing to make it that good. Then I had English were I completed another 2hrs of my essay what I thought I did well was the paragraphing and use of sentence openers to make it engaging and interesting for the examiner to read, on the other hand what did not go so well was I got quiet tired after a while and time keeping to make sure I know exactly when to move onto the next part.

On Thursday I missed Maths and Drama as I was feeling unwell in the morning. So I was only able to attend tutorial in which we were invited to see a preparation performance for the level 2/3 music production students which I enjoyed but I got a bit tired towards the end. What I thought went well was the way they presented it for example the lighting and entertainment, energy and enthusiasm they put into it. But on the other hand, what did not go so well or what they need to improve is they should do it in the theatre so it is not too long and tiring for us and we don't get pain in our legs.

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