Friday 11 December 2015

Monday to Friday 16th until 20th November 2015. Lessons we did on week 8 in college

On Monday we had a lesson with Mike were we did a debate and discussion on ''terrorism'' and learnt what the term of terrorism meant and what lead to them doing those things, apparently in London they have a poster of what things we should not use or have around us when these things happen. Then the teacher split the class in two halves in our groups we did research one about why the poster ''which is right'' and if it links to issues such as religion etc.. and our group did it on (The English Defence League) a group who protests against wages and attacking the police to get their rights.

Why we did this activity was to gain further knowledge and have a class discussion on our personal view or opinion surrounding that topic of issue and so we as young people become aware of the things happening around the world globally at the moment and don't get a huge shock at our age. But most importantly stay safe and not to feel the need of being at risk or In danger and feeling pressured or scared about this in any way at all.

How it helped me with my learning was understand the term or meaning in depth of terrorism and have more knowledge about the issues or reasons for and against of why these things are happening today? and what is the reason or consequence of that happening quiet so often in may Mediterranean or middle east countries in particular but also others?.

The techniques I would have developed further is having a go at being more involved in topics we debate which I did more in English later on. How I will use it in the future I am not really sure I will need too unless there is a real life situation were you will have to do a debate, but that is not really the case.

 In the afternoon on Monday we had Drama were some us were asked to show some parts of our opening scenes in the play we have been asked to perform in pairs by our teacher and I wanted to volunteer by showing Lucas's and my piece first as we were brave enough to go first and I thought we did alright, at the end of the performance we got feedback from the teacher on what to improve for the next rehearsal.

Why we did this activity was so we could present to the class what we had done so far and so the audience has a taste of our performance. But mainly to know the points or areas we still have to improve on or develop even further and which parts look good and don't need to necessarily be changed drastically or at all.

How it helped me with my learning was that through the mistakes or things I did not do so well I was able to learn and correct those little mistakes to get them up too a good enough standard, but also to strengthen myself as a person and the role I played as well as though it was a learning curb or a challenge which needed correction.

The techniques I would have developed further If I had the chance too would probably be just pronounce my words properly and to learn or correct the mistakes I made during my previous performance in my lesson and to make it 100% better than it originally had been before.

 I will use it in the future when going onto doing theatre productions and having to audition for them you would have to take on board the negative criticism from the people telling you what to do or the director and just except what you have to do and what just happened and come back stronger next time and not let things come t me and let things knock me down I just rather have to be myself and a strong, confident person and believe in myself every step of the way as they are only trying to help you improve as an actor.

On Tuesday we had Drama in the morning were the pairs that did the play ''two'' by Jim Cartwright were asked to go next door with Rob and do a whole run through of the play (including Lucas and Me) as our play was the longest and most challenging piece and I felt,I learnt a lot from the acting side of the character and the miming part of the performance as well.

the reason we did this activity was in order to prepare us for the performance in the theatre as the scale of the theatre is much bigger compared to the rehearsal rooms we use during lesson time and as we had a lot of lines  to learn and were struggling to learn them fast enough and had trouble with the timing and pronunciation of things we decided to work on it with Rob until we felt ready enough for the next pairs to do the same with Rob as well.

How it helped me with my learning is it made me understand and learn from that characters perspective and how in general they would behave and react to things and also benefited form the miming side,  that were taught from both Mandy and Rob to shape it and create it in a way that it looked much better theatrically when performing it to an live audience.

The techniques I would have developed even further by practising and experimenting with them at home would probably be the miming side of things so it looked much more natural and as though I had performed the actions confidentially.
How I will use it in the future is if I ever come across another character with that much miming and speaking in the way the landlady does.

In the afternoon we had Mandy our dance teacher were we did warm up exercises to stretch our muscles to reduce the risk of injury and make our core muscles stronger, then we did the same dance,  we did last time again and tried to do it better than the previous week that we attempted the dance routine and we did the dance in rows (the table, the wheel and the door frame) after rehearsing and repeating the moves a few times we attempted in slow motion with the music, then a bit more fast pace until we got it right. After we did the move the rows at the front reversed to the back and so on until we did it to the standard the teacher was happy with in the lesson and to finish with she asked us to attempt a freeze frame were we were asked to (pick up the phone, do an action and turn away).

Why we did this activity was so that we could practise the timing and keeping up with the people in front and behind us and make sure it was smooth and looked elegant without any mistakes throughout the dance. But we struggled with the moves we did it slowly and speeded it up until we got it right

Then we had Hailey for English in the evening and we briefly started looking through how to prepare a detailed piece of essay, then we were given the exam question, our previous essay grades for the short story writing and after started reading the books opening paragraph and in more depth studied and discussed on our tables the character ''George'' a angry but caring or responsible character (young adult) who knows how to handle with Lennie's problems or get him out of trouble. such as keeping his work or reminding him of things he has forgotten.

On Thursday we had Maths were we did exercises  and worksheets on what we learnt but i can't remember what we did. We then marked the worksheets in pairs on other tables and gave each other an overall scores out of 10. Then we had Drama were we did some Drama games and vocal projection / pronounciation/ articulation exercises, but also some tounge twisters to make us clearly and to practise how we will speak on the actual performance and so we don't mumble and rush to be understood clearly. After we had Music production were we finished of the proportal  work on our smart goals and other things which we want to improve and achieve.

On Friday we continued the work and got the concert booklets on a hard paper back copy to read in our spear time step by step of what we should do to achieve or pass the assignment briefs in this essay. I then had Imishka were we did a worksheet on area and long multiplication questions for h/w. Also had Maths in the morning but i came late so i only had a bit of the Maths lesson eft and atleast did a bit of the work on the board with them and the worksheet which our swapt and marked with one of the opposite people on my table.

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