Friday 11 December 2015

Monday to Friday 7th until 11th Dec 2015.  What we did this week in lessons?
On Monday we did not have a lesson with Rebecca. But after that, we had Drama were we watched a silent movie which we filmed using a stimulus in our movies, as the movies link to the theme we are basing it on which is ''Horror'' but we didn't have to necessarily show any Horror scenes in the film as It could be any type of genre of our choice. What I thought went well was we were eager or enthusiastic about what we are doing but on the other hand did not show a lot of commitment as we were all quiet tired.

The reason we did this activity was to show our understanding of what we where told to do even though there was not a certain story line we had to stick to but had to base it around the stimulus using creativity and our own knowledge and idea of the work we had to produce for that unit and also so we could show the examiner the process when working from start to finish in the groups we had been put by the teacher giving them a clear idea of key things for example team work and cooperation and more. 
It helped me with my learning as I as an individual and my group had the opportunity to discover and get the feel of how it is filming a silent movie from the 21st century perspective and how it contrasts when you did film back in the era of around the 1920's. But most importantly shows us how hard it was doing acting in films in those days, for example how much dedication and commitment it took to have the chance of doing something that hard and amazing, also to see how different that opportunity is now considering the technology and sound effects we have to produce such well crafted and detailed films with the help of each individual crew member along the way to help you on the amazing journey from day 1 and are determined to put there all into it having success when it is publicly shown to an audience on screen in a cinema.

Which techniques I would have developed if I had the chance to was maybe have the chance of rehearsing the scenes more as they were improvised to make us all know what exactly we had to do even if we changed them on the day of rehearsals to make the effect look bigger without having to show much on the focus of the camera lens and also make the effort of rehearsing our lines more to remember them so they are short, crisp and simple to be able to trace the movement of the voice when editing the silent movies without sound to make them look believable and match with movement and have big body language and facial expressions to be seen by the camera and make the performance better and more eye catching when seeing ourselves on screen.

How I will be able to use it in the future for example if I choose to do films and the director tells me to show what I have learnt or tells me to do something specific I can use hat experience later on in the industry that is if I ever decide to do that later on.

On Tuesday we had Rob in the morning, in the lesson he asked us to face the other side of the wall without talking amongst each other in the dark he wanted us to listen to a piece of music and write down any ideas we had when creating the movie. We then went on to discuss our ideas as a class what I thought went well was we all had interesting and creative ideas and I liked hearing the individuals ones that people came up with.
I don't think that their is one negative thing I could pick out. But what I think helped for the coming sessions was that I had a basic idea of what we could do and what directions people could go to with their ideas.

Why we did this activity was to use the type of music as the basic stimulus to give us ideas of what we had imagined or had in our head and then write those on paper to create pieces of work which our theatrical and turn them into silent movie pieces. But at the same time so we can share these with the class and group were we had been put into by the teacher, so we can then create a bigger image and bring these initial ideas together effectively as a group to turn the small thing into a whole storyline for a movie which is exactly what we did in about under or roughly a week.

It helped me as an individual with my learning as it let me show my creative ability which is what I mostly enjoy doing more practical work or discussion based class work to bring our ideas and share with the class which was a lot of fun and made me happy as I enjoy those types of activities in class a Drama student which is active and determined to well but has moments that I find myself getting distracted or have the ability of losing focus which is fair enough to say as everyone goes through ups and downs in there study life.

Which techniques I will develop further is interacting with people when I go in the industry of acting and develop strong bonds with other people our age of the younger generation or even in drama school but most importantly, make people more aware or make it a place were diversity and culture is a positive place to be and everyone I think in my opinion is treated equally and everyone feels safe and happy.

How I will use the skills in the future such as group discussion and sharing each others ideas is when we are rehearsing in the dress or technical and are with the whole cast and crew. Also as I mentioned before we can get to know others and improve skills such as confidence to have the courage and capability of doing those things.

We then had Mandy were we moved onto doing another dance routine and were given feedback on our homework, what I thought went well in the lesson was the enthusiasm everyone showed in the class but I think I definitely need to concentrate in the lesson more, as I get put off by others in class most of the time and I think it should be a target in Maths lessons as well. But overall I thoroughly enjoyed our lesson.

The reason why we did this activity was so we were able to show the teacher our ability of focus and to build our strength and timing in such a complicated dance routine as what we learned but is usually not to hard if you learn and practise it more often and strengthen the core and body muscles.

How it helped with my learning was practise moving and reacting faster too such complicated dance routines in such a short amount of time, and the same would obviously apply to when we are acting on stage so we can move and react to the other person/ people on stage quicker to make it even more professional in a way and look like we put more effort and energy into it rather than take it easy. But in a way also take it as a challenge to help you develop your challenges or weakness and overcome them or get better at them so you feel more confident and know what you should be doing when you get on stage.

The techniques I would have developed if I still had the chance too is mostly what I said before to just concentrate and focus on what I am supposed to be doing, but try not get distracted by other people in the class or studying environment in our college dance or during our phyisical warm up in dance. 

How I will use dance lessons in the future or excerises we learnt with Mandy in the future is if I ever decide to do theatre we will have to warm up our bodies in order to keep us fit and maintain a good healtjhy and fit body when we for example have to move around quickly on stage or anywhere like when we have to go to work early in the mornings and our in a rush.

 We then had English were we were given the assignment dates and worksheets on Candy but also a copy of the exam grades to know exactly what we need to do so that we can perform our best and achieve the best grades possible what I think I do well is understand the areas of each of the characters, but on the other hand what I need to improve is finding a quote that links to the explanation and to achieve those things I need to find the time to read more books.
On Thursday we had Maths were we did worksheets on scatter diagram and pie charts and showed our working out in steps. I think I felt confident with what to do. But what I feel I need to improve is revising how to find out the exact degree of each part of the pie chart in the angles which are given in the box above.

We then had Drama, after being put in the groups were we will not permentantly stay for sure and came up with ideas by starting to rehearse the pieces were we incorporated all the characters into one piece of drama after feeling happy with what we chose. We performed it and then did a precise story board of what happens so it is easy for them to film each part without having to help us at the same time. What I thought went well during our performances was we stayed pretty much in role throughout the whole thing but on the other hand what did not go so well was the bit were I ran and screamed which confused and put off the audience with what the other people in the group were saying and in a way overlapped or did not work in the performance. So to improve for next time we need to figure out a way to make it flow throughout the whole thing.
The reason why we did this was to prepare ourselves and the other people such as the media students and music students for what we were doing and so they knew and exactly had a clear idea of each groups peice which is why going back to the points I made before we had been asked to create a simple but effective short synopsis and cartoon comic sketch of what we had been developing over the week to give them a clear detailed idea to look at while creating and editing there bits and peices involved in the silent movies.

How it helped me with my learning in acting was really understand the patients and time we had to have and effort involved throughout the whole process as a team and individual person and we learnt that it takes hard work and dedication even to create a simple and short silent film peice and the whole process involves and incorporates the whole team crew or shall I say needs alot of people to create such a little film and even with a little cast and so many props/set and effects and much more.

The techniques we will develop further is having the patients of waiting for our queues and when to come in with our lines during our part in the performance and to figure out a way in which the peice runs smoothly throughout without any confussion and making everyone feel comfortable with what they are doing and as a team or group so we have all understood the task we were all given or specific role we chose to do in the silent movie peice, which means we can perform it more enthusiastically, confidentally and with more energy which will show in our performance and characterisation.

How I will use it in the future is when learning my drama lines or when doing a back up job for acting that I will do in the future after having completed Level 3 drama for 2 years. But most importantly if we do productionds wether acting or musical theatre and film we would need patients for when to come in with the next set of lines and making sure we have understood what to do but also work together and cooperate as a team and get to know other people and have a good connection or get to know them well so you can work better together and feed of other people or repeatedly ask if you misunderstood or forgot something you need to do. 

In the afternoon we had Becca were we were split into our groups and this time discussed the most important things for example how much we need to spend our budget on for Miley Cyrus's concert in Wembley Arena where the gig is going take place and wrote the key one on a poster which the groups then swapped and were asked to add any additional things that we missed out or did not mention, we then called out different ones to Becca who wrote them on the board and we were asked to write the definition of ''Revenue'' and ''cost''. What I thought went well was the involvement and we all cooperated with each other and worked as a team we did not leave anyone out. What I thought we could improve was ask people if we did not understand the definition and what we could do to achieve that is look it up in the concert glossary or online on a dictionary to learn the definition of the word or in other words, different words that have the same meanings as the original one/s have. 

The reason why we did this activity was so we learnt how to manage creating the best concert including how to manage saving and spending the bugdet we have been given or profit we have got left over after selling tickets individually and the souviners but also the revenue or break even we have made so we did not get any loss but instead saved money in our bank. We then were also where asked to manage and discuss or  figure out as a team what to spend or how we should split the money so it is divided equally between the things we need most and the main reason we did the activity was to learn about marketing and selling or advertising everything needed to produce that certain concert and bring the message across to the public and fans who this is promoted and aimed towards in this project we did with our tutorial teacher Becca from what we learnt during the lesson. 

 How it helped me with my learning was that we were able to learn different things about money problems and marketing when creating a concert and the basics for example how it can happen and who you would need along the way and what they would need to do in there job so they can create something amazing and interlink and work as a group so they are able to crate something truly amazing these are the types of questions we needed to ask ourselves for those specific types of jobs and roles we were learning about during the lesson.

Which techniques I will develop further is cooperating and taking the lead a bit further in my group to gain more confidence and much better feedback in my next review then the previous one we just had from our tutor when doing the concert planning. But that would have been if I still had the chance.
How I will use the things I learnt in the future when having a job or say if I ever do a easy job in the theatre or concerts if I would get the opportunity too so that it will build my cv and so I am able to show people a range of things I did.

On Friday we had Maths were we did exercises on the board studying the topic frequency graphs and then did a worksheet on problem solving. What I thought went well was that we worked together to help each other complete the work and we also tried to work independently. What did not go so well was doing the worksheet on probability, for next time I think I should revise it to improve the topic. In the afternoon we had Becca were we continued on our blogs,Making sure everything was completed for Rob to check our work.

Why did we do this activity so that we could keep everything in perfect order and so it was alright and finished making sure there we absolutely no mistakes in either vocabulary or punctuation and spelling mistakes or grammar before the examiner and teachers checked it in time.

It did not really need to help me with my learning at all and the techniques I will develop is the same thing I practically said before in the paragraph above these. I would use it in the future if I ever decide to write a book or an email for example in a formal way.

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