Friday 11 December 2015

Monday to Friday 23rd to 27th  November 2015  what we did this week 8

On Monday we had Rebecca were we did proportal and continued to write what we missed or had not finished in the previous lesson with her help if we did not know what to write but we had to do it independently. Then we had Drama with Rob in front of the music students were Sarah and the person she worked with, Jessica and the person she worked with performed in front of the class and after the music students our guests/ audience gave them feedback which was positive and negative on how they thought the performance went and from what they saw in their own opinion after we all as performers thought what could we do better for example project our voice more or make sure we are positioned at angle were we are not blocked and are able to be seen as individuals .

On Tuesday we had Rob were we did normal rehearsal in our groups going over the lines repeatedly for both lessons and making sure the plays run smoothly with believable characters and emotion in what we are performing rather than being ourselves and receiving constant feedback from our teacher to help us improve before the performance on Thursday in the theatre so that we are comfortable and confident when it come to us doing it and we also rehearsed our performances in our normal classroom and once we were called by our teacher to come next door with the people who do the same script as us we performed it but this time Rob was paying close attention to our characters and how they react one by one we performed ours until we did them and each pair got feedback on what was good and what could be even better or improved. Then in the afternoon we had Mandy were we were given health info which has to be turned into a poster for our homework using pictures etc.. to make it eye catching for people and when she marks it, we also di some exercises to build up the core muscles in our body and make us stronger when performing on stage to help us project and speak clearly to be understood. After that we continued the telephone and ignore mime and moved into a circle as told by the teacher and were asked to do a few mimes on what people working in a pub would do, we had to then get into the previous groups we were in and incorporate the moves it did not matter in which order or pace we did it as long as all of them were used in the mime sequence which then once polished and smooth had to present to the rest of the class and in my group that day I struggled not to laugh which was a bit of a challenge for me for some reason. In the evening we had English with Hailey were we studied and discussed questions on sheets of paper about crooks and his behaviour/character. We also watched the scene which showed his friendship or companionship towards Lennie and how he reacted space and attitude wise how he would react to him coming in to his room

On Thursday we had Maths were we revised on the topic conversion graphs on the board, then moved onto learning data collection sheets doing exercises on the board about the topic we are learning, after watching the clip and answering the questions as asked to by the teacher she made sure we understood what we were doing. Then to finish the lesson we did a worksheet and once it was fully completed we marked  it with another person in the class. In the afternoon we had Drama with Rob our teacher were we rehearsed our pieces in our normal class on chairs in each pair in a space but not next to the pairs that did the same script as us we mixed with other people but as soon as we started the fire alarm went of so we had to evacuate the  building as soon as we came back and it stopped we rehearsed at least for another half an hour of the lesson just going over the lines repeatedly until they were flowing and  smoother once the lesson was finished he told us we had to be off script by next week and know it completely with confidence in what we are doing. Then we had production arts with Becca were we were split in our groups again and started planning and figuring out how to present or advertise the concert in the venue we are holding the concert for Miley Cyrus and how to bring across the message e.g. prices, snacks, seating plan, designing poster which was the first step to starting the concert plan in a team which is the way you succeed incorporating or getting each person involved not just yourself.

On Friday we had Maths were we revised Data collection sheets, then moved on to doing two way tables were Jessica, Sara and Me along with the teacher watched a Maths clip on two way tables, answered the questions on the clip as asked by the teacher and then did some of the worksheet questions on pieces of paper, we then were asked to check them one by one by writing the answers and showing our working out to the other people in the class on the board in a marker board pen. In the afternoon we had Becca were we continued working on our blogs for this weeks lessons and looked and winter clothes and had a chit chat in class but mostly concentrated on our work which was the main priority in the lesson. In the afternoon after Becca's lesson I had ALS Support with Imishka were we continued to do a harder worksheets on area and I managed to complete the whole booklet, after that I thought I had extra English but apparently in the end it completely changed to 1.00pm in the afternoon from next week.


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